miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

1890s Kazumasa Ogawa, Daibutsu

Daibutsu (the Great Buddha) of Kamakura
Kazumasa Ogawa
Bakumatsu - Meiji period 1868 - 1912
Hand Colored Albumen print
8x10" image 12x15" mount

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

1924-1927 Sidney D. Gamble, Daibutsu (1/4)

Autor: Sidney D. Gamble (1890-1968)
Fuente:  Duke Libraries, Sidney D. Gamble Photographs

  • 1908. First sojourn in China. Traveled with parents to Hangzhou by way of Honolulu, Japan, and Korea.
  • 1925 Summer. Traveled to Japan to join Dr. and Mrs. Lowe, and accompanied them to Beijing, Beidaihe, and Shanhaiguan. (Sidney Gamble's China Revisited (2004))

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2011

1890's Tamotsu Enami

National Geographicin July 1921 (pg. 64/pl. IV)

Photographer: TAMOTSU ENAMI/National Geographic Stock

Japanese people worship at a giant bronze statue of the great Buddha.
Location: Kamakura, Japan
Fecha: Principios de 1890 1902.
Fuente: National Geographic Stock (Picture Id: 604345)
Fuente alternativa: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/129927#page/9/mode/1up
Info: Tamotsu Enami, primer hijo de T. Enami (nombre real Nobukuni Enami), continúa con el estudio a partir de la muerte del padre en 1929. Más información en: Rob Oechsle (t-enami.org)

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

1960's Melville B. Grosvenor

Photographer: MELVILLE B. GROSVENOR/National Geographic Stock
Date: ca 1960
Park visitors view a bronze Buddha statue that rises over 42 feet.
Kamakura, Japan.
Fuente: National Geographic Stock (Picture Id: 985380)

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011

1933 F. White, visita a Kamakura (2/2)

Fuente: Okinawa Soba
Fuente: Keystone-Mast Collection, UCR/California Museum of Photography
Fuente: ebay

Author: F. White
Date: December 1, 1933
Keystone View Company, photo print (Gelatina de plata)
Size: 18.23 cm x 10.61 cm (7.18 in. x 4.18 in.)
Publicado en: Tour of the World (1936). Colección de 1200 imágenes estereográficas. Keystone View Company.
Gelatina de plata
Fuente: Okinawa Soba (Flickr gallery)
Fuente:  Keystone-Mast Collection, UCR/California Museum of Photography, University of California, Riverside
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